What is meditation and why to meditate the basics of meditation


Why to Meditate

Read about the meditation guide why to meditate what are the benefits of meditation

What is Meditation? why to meditate? Does it works? A few years back the same question was floating in my mind.The first thing is why there is a need to meditate.A few years back i was somewhere in the circle of insecurities.Completely filled with Self Complexes.A habit of thinking too much and thinking negative. With that negative thoughts i had no confidence to speak confidently or even to talk with anyone.A completely shy person with self ashamed and extremely living in fear. I tried lots of different things to change myself to gain confidence and getting social tips.But can't find any of worth changing.Read millions of articles and tried different routines but couldn't get the good results. And at one time i was feeling like i'm the biggest shit on this world.The most demotivated and saddest person.
But now what i think what that was? I was just trapped by thoughts. Just negative thoughts and with that negative thoughts i assumed myself that I have nothing to do.
                         "Everyone on this Earth have abilities and strengths"                                                                                                                "MAK" 
 Don't ever think that you have less or nothing.
Now the truth is how i released all negative thoughts and gained peace of mind, Gained courage and self confidence and started moving ahead and that truth is Meditation.

What is Meditation:

"Meditation is a state of mind" 
There are different states of mind have been defined by neuroscience. As alpha,beta gamma ,theta and delta waves.these are the waves generated in our mind when we are in different states of mind.For example in consciousness or when we are awake the Beta waves are coming.
Same as for meditation.The rare state when we focus on something or extremely relaxed our mind then we say that it's a meditation state.
Our mind is revolving around Past ,Present and Future.With million of neurons millions of thoughts generated with every single second. These thoughts are connected with our soul and our soul with our body. 
        "Our body Will be in Peace when our Soul and soul when our Thoughts"                                                                                                                                                                                         "MAK"

The meditation is simply a state where our mind is at peace.no thoughts no feelings and no functions.
In meditation We forced our mind to stop functioning and comes to rest.
                                   "Meditation Strengths our Soul"                                                                                                                                                                                                  " MAK"

Meditation is about finding your inner self.The self awareness where mind does not go.

Why to meditate:

Now comes to the main Question.Why to meditate? does it really works?What benefits will i get with meditation?Is it good for anyone?Does it has any harms? I don't know much about meditation How will i meditate?These are the common questions.But believe me
                            "Meditation is nothing just to find Yourself"                                                                                                                                           "MAK"                                                                                                       
 To Control our mind,our thoughts Meditation is necessary. To give one direction to the thoughts and powering the soul.There are lots of benefits of Meditation Same as different ways of meditating.To gain the peace of mind,forgetting past, overcoming fear, gaining self confidence, overcoming negative thoughts, and living a positive life these are common benefits.
It improves our mental strength our flexibility
It improves our flexibility and clear anxiety and reduces stress.
I will discuss the Different Ways and Complete list of benefits of meditation in other posts.I hope you got the simple and basic idea about meditation.We will go through the complete guide of meditation soon.stay Tuned Stay Healthy and most importantly Stay Happy....!!!
                             "To live an inspirational life Meditation is necessary" 

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